Here is what most kibble bags are full of. As you can see, there is very little animal product included. It is mainly fillers with a little propylene glycol included.
Caution! The picture below is one of the least graphic pictures showing the most disturbing of what goes into commercial kibble. Pet food is a multi-billion dollar industry run by enormous corporations who want one thing...MORE MONEY.

Contrast this with a small family-owned company that started for one reason only -
To make a biologically appropriate pet food at a price that everyday workers could afford.
Money should not be the determining factor in whether your pet lives a long healthy life. Unfortunately, most "raw" pet food out there is insanely expensive. We aim to change that one pet at a time.
To make a biologically appropriate pet food at a price that everyday workers could afford.
Money should not be the determining factor in whether your pet lives a long healthy life. Unfortunately, most "raw" pet food out there is insanely expensive. We aim to change that one pet at a time.

Here are ACTUAL ingredients set aside for this picture. Nothing was changed or altered for this picture.
Looking at the pictures above and comparing with this picture, which group of ingredients seem best to you?
Looking at the pictures above and comparing with this picture, which group of ingredients seem best to you?
But kibble is at least safe, right?
Chronic degenerative diseases, auto-immune diseases, allergies, kidney, pancreatic and liver disease are all increasing dramatically within the pet population and cancer is now so prevalent that 1 in 1.65 dogs will have some form of cancer in their lifetime. 1
A 500 dog study out of Belgium, over the course of 5 years, showed statistically that dogs fed a homemade high-quality protein diet lived an average of 32 months longer than dogs fed a commercial diet. That's almost 3 years!! The authors, Lippert and Sapy showed what many pet owners have found out themselves...fresh wholesome food will add years to a pet's life.
Did you know toxins are in pet food and they are allowed by the government. Toxins like - aflatoxins, heterocyclic amines, acrylamides, and most recently discovered in dry, cooked pet foods, PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) a chemical used as a flame retardant.
Sadly, even conscientious consumers trying to improve their pets food unknowingly feed denatured kibble. The high temperatures used to create the kibble end up destroying the nutrition that once existed. The companies must then add back synthetic vitamins and minerals to meet the basic nutritional standards set by the government. Any good bacteria that would have helped build the immune system is killed in the process leaving no good bacteria to flourish in the digestive system and improve immune system function.
Studies show that these synthetic vitamins can actually cause more harm than good to our pets, because the body cannot completely utilize them and instead it will processes them as a foreign substance, causing more stress to the liver and kidneys. 2
A raw, biologically appropriate diet is the best defense we can give our pets to allow them to thrive and live and long healthy life. Since our pets give unconditionally to us without reservation it is only fair; no, it is our responsibility to do all we can for them in return.
A 500 dog study out of Belgium, over the course of 5 years, showed statistically that dogs fed a homemade high-quality protein diet lived an average of 32 months longer than dogs fed a commercial diet. That's almost 3 years!! The authors, Lippert and Sapy showed what many pet owners have found out themselves...fresh wholesome food will add years to a pet's life.
Did you know toxins are in pet food and they are allowed by the government. Toxins like - aflatoxins, heterocyclic amines, acrylamides, and most recently discovered in dry, cooked pet foods, PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) a chemical used as a flame retardant.
Sadly, even conscientious consumers trying to improve their pets food unknowingly feed denatured kibble. The high temperatures used to create the kibble end up destroying the nutrition that once existed. The companies must then add back synthetic vitamins and minerals to meet the basic nutritional standards set by the government. Any good bacteria that would have helped build the immune system is killed in the process leaving no good bacteria to flourish in the digestive system and improve immune system function.
Studies show that these synthetic vitamins can actually cause more harm than good to our pets, because the body cannot completely utilize them and instead it will processes them as a foreign substance, causing more stress to the liver and kidneys. 2
A raw, biologically appropriate diet is the best defense we can give our pets to allow them to thrive and live and long healthy life. Since our pets give unconditionally to us without reservation it is only fair; no, it is our responsibility to do all we can for them in return.